
    尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!设计与周正国品牌服务一周年,很感谢周总对于尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!设计的信任与支持,以及周正国团队的密切配合与执行落地,感恩你们,接下来我们将继续奋勇前行,为周正国品牌提供更完膳的品牌包装设计服务。

    通过这一年的服务,我深刻地体会到:中国不缺产品,缺的是真正用良心做产品的企业,很多人都在议论,良心出品,降低利润,这话真实,但是其实伟大的企业是用良心赚取合适的利润,所谓持续的合理利润才能基业长青,这是我们接触服务周正国品牌的感触,当你用一种极负责任的态度对待你的产品,为你的用户健康体验种下一颗善良的种子,那么它自然带给你丰收的果实。周正国产品首先第一关是:良心精选有机原材料,第二,配有现代化自动灌装设备,保证产品质量安全。尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!设计有幸参与到这样的一个为人类健康做贡献的项目。不忘初心,臻品呈现,“周正国”有机酱料,追求自然的味道!带给你健康

    For the first anniversary of Beidou Design and Zhou Zhengguo’s brand service, I am very grateful to Mr. Zhou for his trust and support for Beidou Design, as well as the close cooperation and implementation of Zhou Zhengguo’s team. Thank you. Next, we will continue to work hard to provide for the Zhou Zhengguo brand. Branded packaging service for more complete meals.
    Through this year’s service, I have deeply realized: China has no shortage of products, but companies that truly make products with conscience. Many people are talking about conscientious products and reducing profits. This is true, but it is actually a great company. It is to earn the right profit with conscience. The so-called sustained and reasonable profit can last forever. This is our feeling when we contact the service Zhou Zhengguo brand. When you treat your products with a very responsible attitude, it will be healthy for your users. Experience planting a seed of kindness, then it will naturally bring you a harvest. Zhou Zhengguo's products firstly are: conscientiously select organic raw materials, and secondly, equipped with modern automatic filling equipment to ensure product quality and safety. Beidou Design is fortunate to participate in such a project that contributes to human health. Do not forget the original intention, present the best products, "Zhou Zhengguo" organic sauce, pursuing the natural taste! Bring you a healthy and organic new experience.

    • 2024-03-04


      1. 传统元素的巧妙运用在礼盒设计中,我们融合了传统的五谷杂粮元素,如小麦、玉米、稻谷等,通过精美的插画和纹理,展现了丰富的农耕文化。贴纸、标签等细节处,采用了...

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